AWS on Kubernetes, OAM and KubeVela


1 min read

AWS has written a comprehensive post addressing the challenges faced by platform engineers and application developers in the context of cloud-native applications running on Kubernetes, and our CTO Daniel Higuero was kindly asked to share his expertise on their article.

The post highlights, among others:

  • How a solution based on KubeVela can help platform and developer teams work more efficiently on Kubernetes

  • How to reduce bi-directional organizational dependencies by means of adding abstractions tailored for specific contexts.

  • A method to abstract away the evolution of internal subsystems in Kubernetes

To address these challenges, the post introduces the concept and usage of two of the main technologies that Napptive leverages, namely the Open Application Model (OAM), and KubeVela.

We are incredibly honored to have been asked to collaborate with AWS in sharing our expertise on this article and we hope you enjoy the article and find it useful if you are planning or already developing cloud-native applications.
Read the original blog post here!